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About Us

Fitness Unlocked is locally owned, but internationally connected as part of the TACFIT/CST "Legion" of global fitness professionals. Our mission is to achieve your goals, and unlock the fitness within. Call 248-249-2118 today to get started on your new, healthier self.



Born in the harshest possible environments, from the crucible of the world's elite Special Forces operations, and tempered in the civilian worlds of mixed martial arts, law enforcement and firefighting, TACFIT uses a carefully programmed exercise regimen to make you "More Prepared Than the Challenges You Face" - no matter what those are.


Express power in any direction instantly. Absorb and redirect force. Move confidently into action, or out of danger. TACFIT puts you intimately in touch with your own capacity.


Be "First In, Last Standing," every time.

            CIRCULAR STRENGTH               TRAINING (CST)


Your body moves in six directions - forward and back, side to side, up and down, as well as the critical pitch and yaw components. Yet most traditional strength and fitness systems primarily train linear movement.


You simply cannot challenge your full natural athleticism on machines.


CST workouts train each of these movements to assure that you have a balanced structure to support whatever activities you enjoy. This approach reduces the risk of injury from either over-training or under-training any muscle groups.



Prime your joints for action before you start each workout, and you'll be able to do more, with far less pain. Our joints need to move through their full range of motion dialy, to maintain optimum health - but for many of us, daily life doesn't provide this therapeutic effect. Fitness Unlocked uses TACFIT/CST methods to restore joint mobility and health.


Post-workout, we use Compensatory Movement to shut down over-stimulated muscle groups to restore their natural resting length. This helps to prevent soreness, and promote growth and healing

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